Show Love part 5

03/16/2017 16:40

If you want someone to see something, you ought to show it to them. I know that sounds simple, but it amazes me how quickly and easily the "church world" loses the simplicity that is in Christ. The simplicity that IS Christ. Jesus: God in the flesh. Love in a body. It really is that simple. And if we want people to stop running FROM God and start running TO God, wouldn't it behoove us to show people a more excellent way? When I was trying to explain to Logan the logic in the saying, "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar," he looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Why would you want to CATCH a fly???" But Logan logic aside, the truth of the matter is that people aren't going to give the gospel the time of day unless and until the gospel has something to offer. If people see "religion" as nothing more than a ball and chain that they have to drag around... if they see it as worse than what they've already got... then why would they want anything to do with it? That's why I think Romans 2:4 is so important: "Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?" It's not the scariness of God that leads to repentance. People run from scary things. If all we have to offer is a mean, angry, scary God... guys... that's not even something I want anything to do with. Who would? Look at Romans 2:4 in the NLT, "Don't you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?" In order to show people God we have to show them love. We have to show how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient He is by showing people how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient WE are. Because we are God's expression. We are the visible face of the invisible God. We are how He expresses Himself. And since He IS love, that's what He expresses. All of the time. Love isn't just what God does. Love is who God is. Just as Jesus is the Word of God--God has only ever said one thing. He said, "Let there be light." He said, "I love you." And then that Word--Jesus, love--became flesh. And dwelt among us. And then, through the cross, that Word--Jesus, love--took up abode IN us. Not just God WITH us, but God WITHIN us. And when we know that God is IN us, that's when He comes OUT of us. That's when He comes THROUGH us. That's when we can express Him, by expressing love. We love because He first loved us. We love Him by loving each other. But it all comes down from the Father of lights. It all starts (and ends) with God. We are His witnesses in the earth. And a witness testifies what he has seen and heard. He shows people what he has experienced. He receives the love of God--by guarding his heart and keeping it open to love--and then he releases that love. That's what people need. And that's what we have. So that's what we ought to give them. That's the New Commandment. And that's how we experience love. By showing it. By sharing it. By giving it away. That's what love is; love is giving. If you know it, throw it. If you have it inside, let it out. People will run to that. I know they will. Because that is what everybody needs. Show it, and grow it!