Talent part 4
You have what you need in order to be who you are. The problem is that we think we don't matter. That our talent isn't good enough. That WE aren't good enough. Or we think that because we can't do something like so and so does it, we might as well not even do what we can do. I can't draw... so I shouldn't try to do anything. Well, no. Let the people who CAN draw do their part, and do your part. That way everything gets done. Because if you don't do your part, who will? Maybe somebody who shouldn't be trying to do your part. And then, if someone is doing your part... they aren't doing their own part. Basically it gets to be a big mess. So stay in your lane. Do your job. Be who you are and don't try to be someone else. God made you... you. Specifically. Because He wanted you in this world. For purpose, on purpose, and by purpose. Only you can do what you do in the way you can do it, for the people that you are connected to. You are a vital piece of the puzzle. Without you, the picture isn't complete. Now here's the good news: "God's Way is not a matter of mere talk; it's an empowered life" (1 Corinthians 4:20 MSG). God has given us that talent. He has equipped and empowered us with everything we will ever need. Because He gave us His only begotten Son. He gave us His Spirit. He gave us His love. He gave us... Himself. Jesus didn't just give His life FOR us, He gave His life TO us. Because He wanted us to have it. Because He wanted us to experience it as He lives it Himself in us, and through us, and as us. We have been given an empowered life. Everything God requires FROM us He first gave TO us. The New Commandment for the New Man is to love one another as Jesus has loved you. Simply to receive and release His love. To fill ourselves to overflowing with what He has already filled us with. To let what's inside come out by knowing and believing that it's in there. That's what this life is for; life is for living. And to live is to love, to love is to live. So this life is for living. For giving what you've got. For being who you are. Giving your three T's (Time, Talent, and Treasure) to others in order to show them that you care. In order to love them. Because that's what the three T's are... they are how we show our love one to another. We give our Time. We give our Talent. We give out Treasure. Love is giving. Not getting. Giving what you have. Everything you have and everything you are. Laying your life down for your friends. Not worrying about getting anything, but seeing a need and meeting it. Living out of our abundance. We are empowered to live. It's not just talk. Charity is love in action. Where the rubber meets the road. That's when things get real. And that's when things get good! It is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance. Seeing a more excellent way. And then being invited to experience that more excellent way. The Spirit and the bride say come. Come and get it. Everything is available to us because everything has been given to us. We are equipped and empowered to live and to love. And we do that by using our talent. By being who we are and giving ourselves to each other!