Taste and See part 4
Try it... you'll like it. That's basically what God is actually saying to us. No matter what religion would have you believe. God is NOT saying, "Turn or burn." He's NOT saying, "Love me or else." Look at Revelation 22:17, "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Again, its not, "Come... or else." Its, "Come and get it!" If you're hungry, come and eat. If you're thirsty, come and drink. Freely. Jesus took Six Steps to the Throne (Crucified, Died, Buried, Quickened, Raised, Seated) on the cross, in His death, burial, and resurrection, in order to prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies. In order to make everything available. So that if we ever finally do get sick and tired of being sick and tired... we can choose a more excellent way. We can stop trying to be someone we're not in order to get something we haven't got. Because we know who we are and we know what we've got. What you see is what you be. I've been focusing mostly on the eating and drinking part (because you are what you eatt), but I don't want to ignore the seeing part. Because if you don't see that the work is finished... you'll always try to finish it. You'll try earn what you need. But what you need can't be earned. It is a gift. And gifts are freely given. They must be received. Received and released. Shared, in order to be fully experienced. And think about this--to mix my metaphors back up--when you eat something really good... like something that's just delicious... you can't wait to tell people about it. Especially in this day and age of taking pictures of our food and putting them on social media. We want people to know what we had that was so good. And that CAN be scary, in a sense, because if we recommend something that we like, and then they don't like it we feel rejected. Like what we tried to share is a part of us. (You are what you love, not who loves you, to quote one of Logan's favorite bands.) But shared experiences are better. Seeing a movie with friends is better than seeing it alone. Sharing a meal. That's my point. You taste the love of God... and you can't help but want to share it. What you got if you ain't got love, the kind that you just want to give away? To quote one of MY favorite singers. But seeing is believing. You can't really be a witness to something that you didn't experience yourself. Second hand, third hand, six degrees of separation starring Kevin Bacon don't really cut it. Things get lost in translation. But when you hear the Spirit (within you) and the bride (that you are) saying come... you can answer that knock on the door of your heart (which is Jesus), and you can sit down and sup with Him. You can fill yourself to overflowing with what you've been filled with. You can, at the very least, try it. Try something new. Make mistakes and learn from them. Learn and grow. Taste and see. Receive and release. Its insane to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. If you want something new you have to do something new. You might have to leave your comfort zone. You might have to go out on a limb. But that's ok, because that's where the fruit it. So when it comes to settling... don't. Don't ever settle. There's something available that is better than anything you could ask for or even think of. Give it a chance. Taste it and see.