The Anchor part 3
This is where it can get a little bit tricky. Because while an anchor keeps you from going off course, it can also keep you from certain things that aren't good for you. Keep you in your lane. Keep you in place. Look at Acts 16:6, "Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia." To me this is an important piece of Scripture. Because, again, that anchor that holds us in place can also set limits. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you HAVE TO. Doesn't mean you should. Paul wrote, "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not" (1 Corinthians 10:23). Freedom isn't about doing whatever you want and getting away with it. If that's your goal... you've gotten completely twisted around. If you have to lie about something in order to do it... you shouldn't be doing it. If you know something you're going to do will have bad consequences... listen. Consequences and punishment are two different things. If you cheat on your wife God won't punish you. But your wife will. Every action has consequences, whether they be good, bad, or ugly. The trick is to listen to the Holy Spirit. Those who are led by the Holy Spirit are called (identified as) the Son(s) of God. And the Holy Spirit only ever directs us... to love. That can look like many different things to many different people, but at the end of the day that's what it means to stay in your lane. Do what you do out of love. Because of love. For love. In love. Guys. It's all about love. And if you're letting love lead you, guide you, direct you, and protect you... then you're not doing things that you shouldn't be doing anyway. People always ask--especially when they find out that I'm a pastor--basically the same question. "How far can I go without getting in trouble." And that's the wrong question. That's the wrong focus. If you're trying to use your freedom as "license to sin" then, again, you've totally missed the point. Grace is not freedom TO sin, grace is freedom FROM sin. It's being able to live a life of love instead of being trapped in a life of slavery and bondage. So, yes, the Holy Spirit will convict you. Tell you, "Don't go there. Don't do that." I call it the tummy test. If something makes my tummy hurt, I'm not into it. Trust your gut. Follow your heart. Let love be your guide. And don't think just because you CAN do something... you HAVE TO. That's how we get into a lot of trouble a lot of the time. We do things because we think we have to. We do things for all the wrong reasons. Look for love in all the wrong places. This life is not about chasing. This life is about resting. Resting in the arms of our heavenly Father who loves us and cares for us and died for us. This life is about letting Jesus live His abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life of love in us, and through us, and as us. About filling ourselves to overflowing with what we've already been filled with. This life is about living. And that doesn't mean doing anything and everything. That means doing what we were created to do. What we were created to do is be loved and love with that same love. Be known and know. Build relationships. Give ourselves to one another. Listen to that still, small voice deep inside and follow where love leads. So, again, the anchor of our soul, our heavenly Father, will hold us fast. Hold us strong. And hold us back. But that's not a bad thing. That's a good thing. If your Father can keep you out of trouble (the natural consequences of your actions) why not let Him?