The Journey part 2

11/23/2015 15:00

Eternal life is a never ending journey into the heart of the matter. God's heart beating with love in our chest. A maturation process by which we learn and grow. Learn of Jesus, and grow in grace and love. Jesus said it like this, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3). It's a journey of discovery. BEING who we really are--Jesus, God in the flesh, love in a body--as He reveals Himself to us, and through us, and as us. It's knowing as we are known. Knowing our true identity. Knowing God the Father and Jesus the Son. Knowing that God is OUR Father and we ARE Jesus His Son. Living in the context of Sonship. In the context of unity with God. Unity with LOVE. A Father's love affirms and empowers His Son. That's why the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove and the Father declared, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" BEFORE Jesus started His ministry. Daddy isn't well pleased (or disappointed even) with you because of what you do. He looks past the surface stuff and into the heart. Daddy is well pleased with you because of who you are. Because of who HE is. Guys, there's no condemnation in Christ. Daddy isn't up there on a cloud, with a lightning bolt in His hand, waiting to "get you" every time you mess up. 2,000 years ago on the cross He "got you." He drew you into Himself and planted Himself in you. He reconciled you back to Himself. He never left mankind, but mankind chose to go their own way. Adam and Eve hid from the presence of God. But even then God's promise was true. He said He would never leave us nor forsake us and He never has. And He never will. He let us go our own way. He let us try to find our own path. He let us do what was in our hearts to do. And then, at the appointed time, He became flesh and dwelt among us. He came right down into our midst and showed us a more excellent way. He couldn't leave us in bondage to sin and death anymore. Couldn't let the journey continue to be a constant struggle where we reached for the carrot, but the stick always kept it just out of reach. He wanted something better for us. What Father doesn't want the best for His Son? So He got rid of the stick. He fulfilled the Law--the Law that MAN, not God, wanted in the first place--and nailed it to the cross. He became sin so we could become His righteousness. He did what we couldn't do and finished the work. So that we could rest. So that we might have life and that more abundantly. So that we could ENJOY the journey. He brought us out of religion and into relationship. So that we might KNOW Him. With a heart knowledge (experiential knowledge) and not just a head knowledge. Not just know ABOUT Him, but truly KNOW Him. See Him as He is. Not as an angry, distant taskmaster, but as a loving Father who would literally rather die than be without us. And now that His master plan has been fulfilled we can enjoy the journey of abundant, everlasting, eternal, Resurrection Life. We can partake of the Divine Nature. We can learn and grow without fear of punishment or condemnation. We can be who we are instead of trying to be someone we're not. We can let God love us, and we can love one another with that same love. We can live in the context of Sonship!