The Journey part 4
They say even the longest journey begins with a single step. That's what walking by faith (and not by sight) is all about. It's about WALKING. Remember when Jesus was WALKING on water? And then Peter stepped out in faith and walked on the water too? Well, I believe what Peter was really walking on was the Word of God. Jesus told Peter to come, and that gave Peter something to stand on. "Jesus said I could do it." And that's the same empowerment WE have when we stand on the Word of God. I'm coming to believe more and more that the reason we don't manifest some of this holy, glorious, amazing stuff that's available to us is because we don't know it's available. Because we don't really understand how finished the work is, and what it means that the work is finished. Guys, the journey is NOT about finishing the work. We couldn't do it. That's why Jesus came and did it. The journey is not one of earning something--espeically not earning a trip "up" after you die. The journey is one of DISCOVERY. Discovering who you are by discovering who Jesus is. Who you are in Him. Who He is in you. Matthew 6:33, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you," isn't about seeking to get something you don't have. It's about seeking to find out what you DO have. All these things have already been added unto you. You've already been blessed with all Spiritual blessings. You've already been given all things that pertain to life and godliness. But it's the same thing with your life--if you seek to save it you'll lose it. If you seek to find these things, as if you don't have them, then you'll miss out on the truth that you already have them. The robber, who tries to get into the sheepfold any other way but the door, is US when we try to earn something that is freely given. We rob OURSELVES from experiencing the gift we've been given. From ENJOYING the gift we've been given. And that's what eternal life is; it's the gift of God. It's the Father/Son relationship that we kind ourselves in when we totally and completely identify with the Lord Jesus Christ. If His death was my death (and it was), then His life is my life. I'm a partaker of His Divine Nature. But I'm not TRYING to live His life. That's impossible. Nobody can live Jesus' life except Jesus. That was the point of the Law, to bring us to the end of ourselves and shut up every mouth and show us that we can't do it. And that's why Jesus nailed the Law to the cross--because it was contrary to us, and against us. It was the Government of Condemnation. And all a Father wants to do is affirm His Son. Protect His Son. Teach His Son. Guide Him and direct Him. That's why Jesus didn't just give His life FOR us... He gave His life TO us. So we could experience it. Not as we try to live His life, but as we present our bodies a living sacrifice and let Him live His own life in us, and through us, and as us. It's about faith, which means it's about trust. Walking on the Word, one step at a time, on a never-ending, everlasting, eternal, abunant journey into the heart of the matter. Into God's heart beating with love in our chests. Into the love that's inside us... so that it can overflow (naturally) out of us!