The Law part 5
I really don't know what else to say about the law. James 2:8 says it all, "If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well." It's not a set of rules that you have to follow. It's not doing something so you don't get in trouble. It's the law of Spirit and life in Christ Jesus. Which means, in a Word, love. Living and loving. Because living IS loving. To live is to love and to love is to live. Think about it. In the Old Testament, Old Covenant dynamic there were 10 Commandments. And some 600 odd laws that spun out of those 10. Then you get to the New Testament. The New Covenant. You get to the side of the cross that we are on now and Jesus has boiled it all the way down to one. One New Commandment. Love one another as Jesus has loved you. Period. Exclamation point. That's it and that's all, folks. Receive and release the love of God. Let it in and let it out. Let God love you and love Him back by loving the people you are in contact with. Love with every breath you take and every move you make. Love thy neighbour as thyself. That fulfills the royal law. Again, the law of Spirit and life in Christ Jesus. The law that superceedes the law, if I can say it that way. Wich goes right along with the knowledge that passes knowledge. Heart knowledge instead of just head knowledge. I like the idea, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." Because that's really what the Bible is all about. If you read that bad Oscar and come away with anything other than God's love... you've misinterpreted it. But God's love is so much more than just words on a page. God's love is an experience. God's love, quite frankly and literally, is life. It's in the big things... and the little things. It is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end. And everything in between. God created the world out of love. Because of love. With love. I'm trying to say it's all about love. So the law that we get so worked up about... man... it's a royal law given from the King of kings! It's HIS law of love. The King rules and reigns in us, and through us, and as us. Everything working together for good in God's master plan. God's Divine Order. What we need to do--our part--is to let what's true BE true. God makes the Way of Grace, right? And we respond with the Walk of Faith. That's so important and so key and so vital. Faith. Believing that we are who God says we are, and we have what God says we have, and we can do what God says we can do. I wrote three books about that. The Answer Trilogy. Who we are, where we are, and why we are. The only questions that really matter. And they all have the same answer. It isn't just to pay taxes and die. It's to live! We were created to be loved and to love God by loving on another. That's the royal law. That's the New Commandment. That's the whole point of the whole thing. So stop getting bogged down with do's and don't's. Just love people. Let people love you. Build those relationships and those connections. Let what's inside come out by knowing and believing that it's in there!