The Ride part 3

12/04/2015 09:51

One of my favorite songs has a line in it that says, "Free and easy down the road I go." And when I hear that song I can't help but think that that's what Daddy wants for us. I know it's what I want for MY son... and I know that God's love for us is even more perfect (mature, complete, fully realized) than that. Daddy doesn't want us to struggle. He doesn't want us blown about by any wind of doctrine. He doesn't want us to fight to try to swim upstream. He wants us to flow. He wants us to enjoy the ride. Why do you think we get a New Day every day? Look at Lamentations 3:22-23 in the NLT, "The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Jesus IS the New Day. The Sabbath day of rest. In Him we don't have to struggle to get by by the skin of our teeth. In Him we have abundance. And He carries us along day by day. I think what I'm trying to say is: If you're having a bad day (stop judging according to appearance and judge righteous judgment because it's all working together for good) just wait until tomorrow. You get a fresh start. The past is in the past and there's nothing you can do it. The future probably isn't going to look like what you think it's going to look like anyway. That's why today is called the present--because it's a gift. It's all we've got. And it's all we need. Another song lyric says, "I've got everything I need, and nothing that I don't." When we truly understand and believe this, that's when we can be content. That's when we can be at peace. When we stop trying to control everything, and direct everything, and get where WE think we're supposed to get to... that's when we find ourselves exactly where GOD wants us to be! We try so hard sometimes to MAKE things be the way they're "supposed to be." And, in my experience, that never works out. The harder I try to force a round peg into a square hole the more frustrated I get. If you're frustrated, you're not at peace. And when you understand that peace comes from within, not from without, then you can be a thermostat instead of a thermometer. You can SET the climate instead of reacting to it. You can wake up in a day and KNOW that you've got everything you need. Because His mercies begin afresh each morning. It's a fresh start. My Bible case proclaims, "God allows U-turns." And I always take it a step farther, because I think God ENCOURAGES U-turns. You never have to keep going down a path just because you're already on it. You never have to stay stuck. You're never too old to dream. Never too old to pursue that desire God put in your heart. And here's the best part: When you're on the RIGHT road... when you're expressing yourself in that special way that you were created to express yourself (HIMself) it's easy. It's rest. It's a flow. It makes the ride enjoyable. And I'm not saying you won't have to work hard. I'm simply saying it'll be worth it in the end... and worth it in the middle. If you love what you do it's more than a "job." It's a calling. It's a purpose. It's real life!