The Ride part 4

12/05/2015 10:55

Life is for living. But we seem to miss out on this truth as we rush from one thing to another trying to make life fit into a box. Trying to make things be how they're "supposed to be." We never seem to be able to slow down and just enjoy the ride. I read somewhere that the time you enjoy wasting isn't really wasted at all. And this is hard for me, personally, because I always feel like I'm not doing enough. Like if I do something purely for the enjoyment of doing it, I feel guilty because I should have been doing this, this, and this. But I'm telling you, that's no way to live. That's not living at all. Let me say it another way: We think we're "humans" trying to have a Spiritual experience. When really we're Spirits having a human experience. God made this world for US. For us to ENJOY. Think about Jesus. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. He came down from heaven to earth and He had Himself a human experience. He did all the things we do. He ate, drank, slept, went to parties. He didn't even start His ministry until He was thirty, right? And even while He was ministering He still found time to do all the things we seem to think less of. Like simply having dinner with someone. Hanging out with people. And yes, He ministered to whoever was around, wherever He found Himself, but I think that's the point. Instead of always running around looking for people to minister to, tryinig to be a "super Christian" (whatever that is), I think we should just be a lighthouse. It shines light right where it's at. And the light shines on whoever comes nearby. I always say it like this: Do what you can do, with what you've got, where you're at, for those around you. If you're trying to force it, then you're not resting. If you're trying to make something happen then you don't understand the finished work. And, listen, I understand that we have to do our part. God made the Way of Grace. We respond with the Walk of Faith. If you're praying for a baby, but you're not... doing what it takes to make one... then something pretty immaculate would have to happen. If you're praying for a job, but not putting out any applications... see what I mean? There's a balance. You don't have to--and can't--do it yourself. But you have to show up. You can't fight upstream and get anywhere, but if you want to flow you have to jump in the river. That's where faith comes in. When Peter asked Jesus if he could walk on the water, and Jesus said, "Come," Peter still had to take that step. He stood on the Word. He could have stayed in the boat, but he trusted God. That's what faith is. And that's HOW we enjoy the ride. We trust Daddy that He knows what He's doing. And then we let Him do it in, and through, and as us. You can't enjoy the ride if you're not in the car--or the Ark, might be a better metaphor here. I don't think God forces us to do what He wants us to do. I think He stands at the door and knocks. He makes things available and invites us to partake of them. All we have to do is open the door. Be open to His voice. Open to love. And that's when the ride is enjoyable. That's when life is worth living. Because to live is to love, and to love is to live!