The Shield part 4

11/26/2019 20:37

God is our shield. Which means love is our shield. Let's look at it in that context. Love. Psalm 28:7, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusteth in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him." Love is our strength and shield. My heart trusts in love. Love helps me. Therefore, when my heart is full of love my heart greatly rejoices. With my love song I will praise Him. It's all about love. His love for and in us coming out through us. I can't say it enough: God and people. Love God and love people. Love God by loving people. That's what this life is for. That's what this life is all about. So when we're thinking about defending ourselves--either by "hiding" behind the shield or by throwing it--we have to keep in mind that it's love. Letting love defend us, and letting love take care of our business for us. Letting what's inside of us come out. Naturally. By knowing and believing it's in there. By filling ourselves to overflowing with what He has already filled us with. By letting God love the hell out of us and then loving Him back by loving the hell out of each other. That's what love is all about--receiving from God and releasing to those you come into contact with. So when we feel like those we are in contact with are... how can I put this? Less than loving to us... we can still love them back. We can give what we've got without being worried about getting anything back. Because we know we are connected to an unlimited source. Literally the God who is love. The God who created us and has never wanted anything except to cover us up with His wings like a momma chicken and protect us from all harm. Over and over in the Bible God is described as our shield. That's not on accident. That's on purpose. God doesn't make accidents. He does things for purpose, on purpose, and by purpose. And that purpose is love. As the Beatles once sang, "All you need is love... love is all you need." I couldn't agree more. Love is what makes the world go 'round. Love is what makes life worth living. So in every situation, love ought to be our go to move. Sometimes when I say something to my son, and he doesn't hear what I said but he knows I addressed him... he'll say, "I love you, Dad." That's his default. I still remember one time when he was in junior kindergarten, I picked him up from school and was walking to my truck next to one of his classmates. They were saying good bye, like little kids do. And he, just as natural as anything says, "See you tomorrow, I love you!" And the kid looked a little bit surprised but he said, "I love you too, Logan!" And I couldn't stop smiling. Because the world needs more of that. Like... if you don't know what to say, go with "I love you." And it doesn't necessarily have to be those three little words. You can say it in a lot of different ways. "See you tomorrow." "Be careful." "It was nice talking to you." Whatever. Just showing people you care. SHOWING people that you love them. That's the safest place to be: right behind our shield. Letting the love that's inside come out by knowing and believing that it's in there!