Time part 2
I don't think I've ever heard this verse I'm about to quote used in this context. So stick with me. Romans 12:1, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Now it seems to me that usually if this verse is preached at all, it is part of a rallying cry. "Present yourself holy to God! Get the sin out of the camp!" All of that good time religion. Shape up or ship out. Get right or get left. All that sort of nonsense. But, honestly, that doesn't seem--to me--to be very reasonable. One of the biggest problems I always had with that kind of "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" mentality is... If I'm coming into this from a position of "I'm not good enough" then how in the world am I supposed to be able to somehow (magically?) make myself good enough? And, yes, I understand that practice makes perfect. You can improve your skills. Things of that nature. But if I'm fundamentally not good enough... what could I possibly do about that? Probably nothing. So, at best, I would need some help. Which leads me to the question of: If the Holy Spirit can't change people, what makes me think I can? What makes me think beating people into the dirt and telling them how bad they are will lead to any positive change? Not to mention how it's not my job to change people. It's not my job, really, to change myself. The only way I can "change" is by letting God reveal my true self to me. Letting the Gardener prune off all the branches that don't bring forth fruit. That's not my job. That's His job. And, ever since the cross, it is finished. We don't need God to change us. We need to see the change that took place 2,000 years ago! But I said all that to say this: The part of Romans 12:1 I think we ought to focus on is the first part. The mercies of God. And the second part. Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice. Giving ourselves to God. Which, of course, means giving ourselves to each other. God and people. Loving God and loving people. Loving God BY loving people. That's what this life is all about. That's what this life is for. And, to me, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice simply means giving up our time. Being available. I've always heard--and I believe--that God is more interested in availiablity that ability. Like, if you're willing to do it... He will make it happen. And I like the word "sacrifice" because our time is so valuable. It is the one thing we have that we will never get back. So giving your time to someone else... laying your life down for your friends... that's the greatest love that you can have. That's the biggest, and best, way to show your love to someone. Maybe that means using your truck to help people move furniture (just a random example off the top of my head that I NEVER experience in real life). Maybe that means going to the movie with someone. It can be just about anything where you are connecting with the people in your life. Building relationships. Giving people everything you have and everything you are. Presenting your body as a living sacrifice. Giving up your time. Saying, "I'm here for you. I got your back." And then being there and doing that!