True You part 4
When the inner man comes out... when the hidden man of the heart is revealed TO you, and IN you, and THROUGH you, and AS you... that's when you BE transformed (into what you've already BEEN transformed into). By the renewing of your mind. By letting the mind of Christ--again, that's already in you--BE in you. Its the difference between being conformed to the world, letting the world tell you who you, and simply being who you really are by letting the Holy Spirit lead and guide you into all truth. The truth of who you are. Who your heavenly Father is. Who you are in Christ. Which is who Christ is in you. That's how we let the mind of Christ (that's already in us) BE in us. We stop trying to make things "make sense" in the natural and we keep ourselves open to love. That's how you guard your heart; not by shutting it down, but by keeping it open. That's HOW the hidden man of the heart is revealed... God loves us to overflowing and that love comes out of us. Naturally. We receive it, and release it. We receive it... BY releasing it. Stepping out in faith is stepping out in love. Giving people a chance to NOT let us down... and then loving them anyway even if they do. That's the true you. Someone who is loved... and because of that love, someone who IS love! That's our new nature. Our TRUE nature. The love nature. That's why we were created; to be loved, and to love one another with that same love. And I thought I was going to spend the whole Rant today on what comes next, but I just wanted to try to hammer my bigger point home one more time. Ok. Here's what comes next: The true you is NOT a religious robot. The true you is what happens when you stop trying to be someone you're not and simply embrace who you are. When you do whatever it is that is in your heart. For a musician... playing music makes them... THEM. For me... writing makes me... me. But it wasn't until I stopped writing what my grandma referred to as, "garbage" (general fiction, in my opinion), and started writing about Jesus that things exploded. So my point is... be who you are. ALWAYS be who you are. Because you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God made you specifically YOU for a reason. Just do whatever you do with love. Do it because its in your heart to do it. Don't do things because you think you're obligated to do them. Romans 13:8 says, "Owe no man any thing, but to love on another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." And I can see that last part two ways, because Jesus said loving God and loving your neighbor is the whole deal of the Law of Moses. But love is ALSO the perfect law of liberty. Freedom FROM sin and death... and freedom TO live and love. Because to live IS to love and to love is to live. We can't have one without the other, and we can't DO one without the other because they are the same thing. And in order to be your true you, you must be able to truly live. Not letting worry of the future, or the mistakes of the past, keep you from living... but letting what's inside come out because you know and believe that its in there. Because you listen to the voice of truth. Because you let God love you. That's the true God. And that's how He expresses Himself to us, and in us, and through us, and as us!