Two Men part 1

12/22/2017 19:53

In my favorite Western (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly) they spend the whole three hours of the movie talking about how there are two kinds of people. My favorite part is when its time to dig up the grave full of treasure and Clint Eastwood (who is holding the loaded gun) says, "There's two kinds of people: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig." But, again, they use it all throughout the movie. And while we're not necessarily talking about loaded guns--even though I HAVE related love to the only bullet we need in our Spiritual warfare--the fact remains that there are only two people (two men) who have ever lived. Look at 1 Corinthians 15:47, "The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven." And to me this is a very important distinction that needs to be made. Because the first man, Adam, was formed from the dust of the ground. I heard one preacher say, "Adam was a dirtbag." He was tied directly to that selfish, soulish, earth realm. Doing what feels good to the five senses. Trying to make yourself happy, even at the expense of others. And I think that's what a lot of people think life is all about. That's even what Ecclesiastes is all about, right? Trying to find meaning in your life in any way you can. And thinking that "stuff" is a good way to do that. "Whoever dies with the most toys wins." But I don't think that's much of anything. I don't think the world has much to offer. I keep saying it: Even if you win the rat race, all you become is king rat. I'd rather know my true identity as a king priest. I'd rather be the guy with the loaded gun, so to speak, than the guy who has to do the digging. Looking for love in all the wrong places will only ever wear you slap out and frustrate you to no end. Because trying to earn something that can't be earned--that you, in truth, already have--is impossible. And while you're looking for that love in all the wrong places--trying to enter the sheepfold any other way but the through the door--what you're really doing is robbing yourself of the gift you've been given. Remember when Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray and He said, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). See, He was bringing heaven TO earth. He was showing us a more excellent way. "Thy will be done." What is God's will? Well, God is love. So His will is TO love. His will is for us to love each other as He loves us. To receive and release His love. That's what it means that the second man, Jesus, is the Lord from heaven. Remember in the last Rant series we saw that we know that we have passed out of death and into life because of love? Love is the difference between life and death. Love is the difference between heaven and earth. The days of heaven ON earth are days of LOVE on earth. Right now. Being loved and loving each other. So... there are two kinds of people: Those who know they are loved, and those that don't know it yet...!